Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pain After Brazilian Wax

The People's Warrior does not stop

Dear kids ... continue our work to exhaustion. Why is it only so that we can exhaust Linus ... filling it with messages continuously until Andrew and Michael will not return at the usual time! For those of you who are also using Facebook we would like to inform you that we have established a "Committee for the Safeguarding of Andrew and Michele - RADIO DEEJAY. Registration is open to all ... even if Linus decided to sit at a negotiating table with us! Let us consider whether or continues to snub as they are today ..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Birth Control At Walk In Clinic

's time to fight!

Warriors of the world unite ... The CSAM has decided to open this blog to bring Andrew and Michael at their usual time!
We want and need to get our voice and Linus we have several means to do it!
The first is this: a blog that wants to be a space where each of you can leave your thoughts about the time shift of the transmission of Andrea and Michael. Linus can not ignore if we are all together!
Therefore, in addition to filling this blog of names, Linus bombarded by messages every day in MyDeejay. This will be the text that you indicate: "WANT AND MICHELE ANDREA FROM 6 TO 8! WARRIOR DO NOT GIVE THE PEOPLE 'TRUCE UNTIL THINGS CHANGE! The C ommittee for S alvaguardia of A ndrea and M ichele .
Linus will get tired sooner or later to receive our messages ... and perhaps you will understand that Platinette is a bit 'too soporific for quell'orario (no offense but we want too good to Andrea and Michael!). THE CSAM