Edgar Allen Poe (1909) - DW Griffith
At the 202nd birth anniversary of one of the great masters of literature , Edgar Allan Poe , born in Boston on January 19, 1809 , being difficult to leave the usual half-bottle of cognac with the three roses on his grave Baltimore public here in his honor the silent short film Edgar Allen Poe , directed in 1909 by one of the great masters of cinema, David Wark Griffith , whose birth anniversary falls between the 'other short, on January 22 .
The film lasts just seven minutes and was produced by the American Mutoscope and "Biograph" Company the centenary of the birth of the writer. The presentation of the short film tells
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Like many films of this Biograph period, signs of textual Edgar Allen Poe (1909) are missing from the copies survived. Fortunately, the impact of the film Griffith is hardly diminished by the absence of textual information >>. He adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Historians believe that the incorrect writing of the name of Poe in " Allen " is due to hastily Biograph to finish the film in time for the centenary of the birth of the author >>.
The film in fact, was released only in theaters' s Feb. 8 of that year. The plot traces
so fictionalized, mixing fantasy and tragic reality, the composition of one of the greatest works of the Master, the poem The Raven , the Raven .
"And the raven, never flitting not, still rests, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas
, over the door of my room,
and his eyes resemble those of a demon who dreams;
and light Lamp, rounded on him, casts its shadow on the floor, and my
out of this shadow, lying on the floor swaying
be lifted Never Again! "
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